January 17, 2009

~permasaLahan yG suda laMa x jDik~

now2..act diz week i’m n0t planning to go h0me but since there is a problem @ UIA which is water supply pr0b*p/s-mahalah ak ad je air sbnrnye..A.L.A.S.A.N* i need to go h0me..but my main point was to meet my nephews-izat n iman.

dat nite,i received a msg from ain.

ain-kwn2,cpt simpan air sbb td ad lori minyak eksiden dkt sg.gombak.hu9

ak pon pegi b’jmp ngan ain.nt0k m’dptkn kepastian yg tulus lg benar.i dun believe it cuz there is “hu9″ at d end of dat msg.well,sape nk cye kan.but dat msg wasn’t originally fr0m ain.her friend sent it.


me-weh,bt0l ke xde air ni.aknye baldi da la kecik

ain-x taula.kwn ak yg bg msg tu.

me-ala..mlsnye ak nk simpn air.nnt kalu xde air kt mandi kt umah ko jela.tp ko ngan anum spe lg dkt?

ain-umah anum lg dkt

me-kt g umah anum jela.ish..ak nk blik blk r.

smbil tu ak msg akmal-”mamal,nk pjm baldi ita(sbb dak ita neh kt umah)”

ak pon tros g blik akmal.ces,akmal not around plak time tu.si rumet akmal tu dala cm kerek je ngan ak.tanpa diundang ak pon melepakkn dri kat blik ita.rupenye akmal bru pas wat laundry.

me-wei,bt0l ke xde air.ain bg msg kt ad eksiden.

akmal-ha’ah.ish bt0l ke huh?


“nenenenet…attention to all residenta mahallah hafsa.there will be water supply problem at any moment so please be ready..nenenenet”

me-argh..tensionnye ak..

akmal-eii..ak nk blik.leceh r.

tr0s si akmal td call adik die tny blik ke x.

while lepaking with akmal,kak salwa came.then we talk2 n eat2 till pkul bpe ntah.so i took ita’s baldi n filled it with water as max as i could.

keesokan pgnye~~~with full of enthusiasm i woke up early n took my bath.then i lepak2 at my ro0m n went to class.afta 3.30 i came back n guess wut..the water still alive.so..scared dat the water will be gone soon,i took my shower early dat evening.however,the water still available till next day.but still,i woke up early but dat evening,me n ain went to play squash.we bring along our toiletries.at 6.30 i msg my rumet.”kiki,level kt ad air lg tak?”..”ade”.so we both decided to go backto our room n took our bath at mahalah.i even washed my clothes.

afta taking my bath dat evening i went to cfe n met wit ojah n tasya.

ojah-* kate sok cuti.

me-yeke?ish..xkkn ak cti kot.dala lab sok.math pon x start ap lg.korg blik ke?

ojah-blik kot.ngan aisyah kama.mlm ni


ojah n tasya dikusi bout their quiz with bro.musa.

ojah-ko blik x?

me-ntahla.kalu cncel pon.mlmtu ad replacement.Dr.co0l tu ak x tau r die nk wat ke x.dala xde num die.ak x blik kot.

so we diskusi2 while eating~~

afta maghrib i sms our lab demo asking bout the holiday n yeah,the lab will be cancel.later,ain sms me saying that the math class also will be cncel.

ain-tim,ko blik x?

me-ntahla..kels MOM ni x sure lg ni..

ain-blik jela tim..huhuhu

me-ko dkt bole r..huhuhu

then i asked akmal since we’re in d same class.

me-mal,MOM ad ke mlm sok?

akmal-dak2 kels ak kte xde

me-ap bukti yg m’buatkn dak2 kels ko yakin xde?

akmal-sbb dorg kt rector yg soh cuti

i’m still not satisfied so i asked wa.

me-wa,sok ko rse ad ke MOM?

wa-ntahla..gi je sok.kalu ad,ad r.

me-i join u la

but still not satisfied.i just think what if the class cancel??ruginye x blik.ak mmg makhluk yg sentiasa dihantui if-else statement-ceh..cm programming x?

me-akmal,ak x puas ati r.j0m jmp Dr.co0l sok

akmal-nk g kol bp?


akmal-ok.sok kol 10 lbih kt g

the next morning~~~i woke up early n the water still around~~xde airla sgt kan..i’m counting the hours.around 10++ me n akmal went to Dr.co0l room but sadly he was not around.

me-ala…cmne ni.xde plak..cmni ak assume xde jela..tp ak x puas ati

akmal-jom gi ofis kt bwh tny die nye num ke ap

sedang kami kecewa sbb x dpt jmp Dr.co0l, Dr frenly tiba menyelamatkan keadaan.

akmal-sir,ad num Dr co0l x?

Dr.frenly-co0l?kejap sy tgk..*slang indonesian*

akmal-ala..adela sir*dak ni mmg penggoda bt0l.huhuhu~~*

Dr frenly-ye.sebentar..kamu ni..suke pakse2 org~~blablabla…*smbil crik2 no*


Dr frenly-ha..ini dia.nah

me+akmal-thank you sir

apabila kami mendpt no itu….

me-ap lg mal,kol r

akmal-ak xde kredit r

me-ala..malula nk ckp ngan dr.co0l~~*gedik gile ak~~hahaha

akmal-ala..kol jela

me-ala…meh2 kol gne no ak,ko ckp

akmal-*smbil malu2* xnk,kola ckp

last2 ak gak yg ckp..*xcited sbnrnye~~hahaha*

me-assalamualaikum sir.

dr.co0l-*bingit* waalaikummussalam.yes?

me-sir,bout our replacement class tonite.do we have class tonite.*tunggang t’blik-to0 excited=bad*

dr.co0l-i wish to have it

me-*dgn gelojohnye* owh,so we have class tonite?

dr.co0l-erm..i wish to have it but i’m afraid dat the students are not @ their mahalah due to the holiday

me-owh,bout dat..i think most of the students already going back h0me

dr.c0ol-so,i think i’ll have to cncel the class.cn u tell ur frens?

me-owh..ok sir

dr co0l-cn u tell ur frens?who’s this?


dr.co0l-fatima,cn u pls tell ur frens that the class will be cncel

me-yes,i’ll spread it to my frens.thank you sir,assalamualaikum


then..i looked at akmal with biiiiig smile~~~

me-yeay!bole blik ngan tenang~~

dat was my first conversation with dr.co0l even before this i’ve had a class with him.well,i’m a type who don’t really close with teachers.

so..happily i msg my frens that the class is cncel n i went back h0me~~~

IIUM Sp0rt Carnival~~

last year,ak dgn penuh tekadnye told my frens dat i will not ever play hockey again(cuz dat's my 1st time)..but still..dak2 hafsa sume n0t interested in hockey.ak ngan ain pon join jela bg memenuhkan korum.sewaktu di blik ain, ak mem'sg ojah.

ak-ojah,nk maen basketball?(sbb basketball pon x ckup org lg)
ojah-ko maen ke?
ak-x.ak maen hoki
ojah-ak ngan tasya maen hoki r
well,so it's 4 of us-me,ain,ojah,tasya.1st day training-no one called us so we didn't go.next day,at hockey field

ak-eh,mane org2 yg maen hoki?
ain-ntah.tu kot(maen tunjuk2)
b4 tu ain tny kat feel-makhluk yg bertanggungjawab ajak ktorg maen hoki blik- mane dak2 hoki hafsa-mahalah ktorg-

disebabkn kami ni pemalu,ktorg dok je kt bench luar hockey field tu.suddenly, a sis came near us.

ain-sis,hafsa ke?
ain-hafsa mane ek?
no-name-tu,yg 3 org tu
ak-eh,tu jeke?

so,both of us walked toward that 3 girls-kak an,kak na,kak izzah.we introduced ourselves n kak na pon panggil r coach ktorg.

coach-ni je?cne nk training skit ni je?
kak an-ala..b0le je.
coach-ok.korg wat cmni(smbil tunjuk cara2 mengelecek bola gne kayu hoki)

kami pon ngan semgtnye wat.ak ngan smgtnye wat mende yg same ngan nilai velocity yg tinggi.ttbe~~~~

sore laki-woi,jaohnye..
-terdgr sore gelak ketawa-
ak pon pusing blakang..jeng3~~~~ak tgk blakang.dlm ati ak-"eh,pesal dak2 laen ni wat smp situ je(half dr tmpt kejadian)"..with full of confusionism i turn back and

ain-weh,smgt gile ko
ak-eh,bukn ke die soh wat smp ujung td??
ain-x r.die soh wat smp tgh je
ades...bru 1st day training da malu...tp i'm a co0l pers0n-pasan..
next,coach soh ktorg partner2 pas2 bola.me ofkos paired with ain r..huhuhu..
yg peliknye..org laen sume static(sebut cm dr.yulfian) tp ktorg pusing2 smp <360.memg dynamic bt0l..huhuhu..

tp dat day,ktorg end up being nenek2 si bongkok 3 esp ak..hahaha..(dak2 lain x tau r plak)
1st day,ojah n tasya x dtg tp pas2 tu dorg dtg.afta few training~~

ak-weih ak xnk jd keeper.helmet kecik r.dala baju besa gile.skit kaki ak.
(demand lebih2)
tasya-ak jd keeper
ak-orait.btol ko jd keeper ni.

selps training keeper

tasya-tim,ak x jd keeper tau?
ak-ala...nape???ala..helmet die kecik r..
tasya-xpe,coach bg helmet.
ak-yela~~~(redo je)
maka disaat2 akhir,i'm stil d keeper~~~same as last year~~

January 16, 2009

berdirinya ak didepan umah Datuk Yusof Haslam~~

sungguh poyo skali title ak..last 1st january,me n my frens went to bukit-ap-ntah around wangsa maju.untuk julung2 kalinye ak dapat tgk fireworks yg baaanyaak~~

dat evening me lepaking at anum+ain's room.suddenly someone(4got who) gave a brilliantos ideastos...si pemberi idea tu ajak tgk fireworks.w/out hesistation i agreed..org da ajak kan~~~kuang3..

afta maghrib, i felt so sleepy so ap lg mst r ak tdo dgn enaknye..suddenly,"tok3 anybody there"..henponku berbunyik..ala2 lagu kereta merahku berbunyi pon3..

ain-jadi mlm ni
ak-wokey.sape je join?
ain-ak,anum,ko.fe'el ngan af x sure lg
ak pon smbung blik ketidoran ak dgn enaknye.
"tok3 anybody there"
ain-ktorg da nk abes.
tim-jap2.ak nk smyg isyak jap
ak tgk jam..eh,da kol 10++, dgn gelabahnye ak siap2 n semayang isyak.tgh siap2 neh~~"tok3 anybody there"
anum-tim,ktorg da abes.da gerak nk amek ko.amekkn kad m3x ak kt atas meja.
on the way...
sape-ntah-tanya-kt nk g mane weh?
af-g bukit-ap-ntah tu.kat umah yusof haslam.ak gi dlu ad mkn2.macam2 ad
ak-ek?wah~~mknan tu x ksh ke sespe je leh amek
af-ad banyak makanan dorang panggil2 amek.amek jela.
kesimpulan dr dialog neh-ad mkn free kat area bukit tu.so,ktorg sgt xcited nk gi.tgk fireworks smbil mkn2.hahaha~~~
setelah b'ada di area bukit-ap-ntah
ak-weih,ni bukan luar umah die bg mkn.dlm umah.
(sbb npk cm ad aktiviti mkn2 kt umah org)
af-atas lg.
(stelah tiba ditmpt kejadian)
anum n ain-mane tmpt mkn2 tu?
ak-ha'ah..mane weh?
af-eh,xde.dulu ad weih.ni kat cni ni(tunjuk kt area parking ktorg)
anum-kt gi bli mc'd jela.
af-ok.tp kne jge parking kalu x nnt nun jauh kne parking
ak-ak ngan af r jge parking
when the foods arrived safely-ceh,bukn ke patot ak ckp ain n anum arrived safely??we chose a strategic place to sit.view dr seat ktorg mmg tersgt best.tepat jam 12..d kl is burning with the fireworks~~~chanteek sungguh~~~~kejap kiri kejap kanan kejap depan-itulah posisi kepala kitorg..hehehe~~~
ak-eh,awalnye fireworks ni.mcm ikt timing jepon je...jepon sejam awal
anum-eh,btol r skang.
ak(stil confused)-eh,yela awal sejam r dorg ni.
rupenye bru ak pasan,ak sudah kebengongan.new day start at 12 tp ntah pesal ak asik pk start at 1.sungguh beng0ng~~
so..pas bergamba sne sni,ktorg pon g mkn2 kat tasik titiwangsa..pas mkn amek2 pics.then, went to af's sis punye rumah.just imagine~~~it took almost 1++ hours to get to her house krn kesesatan yg disebbkn oleh af..
af-masuk sni,sni2..eh,jap2..pusing balik..
but,af sgt yakin m'buatkn ktorg yakin ngan die.hahaha~~~however,dat nite,we're safe~~safe fr0m being fine by the pak-guard because of af n her sis.thanks af..n ur sis to0!!w/out the transport we also can't see the fireworks-thanks ain.anum??thanks 4 da pics-even ak x amek lg~~hahaha~~
yeay~~dis new year,i got d chance to feel the new year's nite~~~tmpt yg ktorg gi pon cm x rmi org-m0st of them were kids n their parents~~g0nna upload d pics once i leech it..huhuhu~~
owh..dialog2 diatas bukn rekaan tp just what i remember n anum's or ain's dialogue, don't really remember..hahaha~~tp overall the dialogue is about the topic we're talking about @ dat time.
p/s: sedih ttbe..bile pikir kt gembira tgk fireworks,org2 kat palestin,bukn takat tgk tp kne bom tros. Ya Allah, bantulah mereka.Amin~

January 13, 2009

LET'S PRAY FOR THEM..the pics dat CNN n BCC didn't reveal~~

semoga darah2 mereka menjadi saksi2 yg membantu mereka meniti jln ke syurga di Akhirat kelak...
To My Muslim Friends,
Pray for them to Allah. Semoga akan datang bantuan Allah sebagaimana Allah Pernah menghantar burung-burung Ababil menghancurkan tentera bergajah Musyrikin.
And for all,
Sudden cross to my mind………….people around the world keep remember September eleven…………they even still sad about the lost……………BUT the numbers wasn't greater compared to what lost in Palestine…………………

Ubah dengan tangan, atau ubah dengan mulut/pena...... setidak-tidaknya bencikan dengan hati.....selemah-lemah iman........Allahu Akbar. Jika tidak sanggup berjuang mengorbankan nyawa, bantulah mereka dengan memanjatkan doa kepada Allah Rabbu Jalil mohon BantuanNya.


Gaza Now is burning under seige

What can you do is …….to forward this mail as much as you can to the world!!

Regards & have a pleasant day

p/s:sent by a friend

January 9, 2009

dimanakah sifat kemanusiaan ???

Tahun baru 2009 dipenuhi dengan tangisan, ketakutan dan darah.apa dosa anak2 kecil yang masih baru mengenal dunia.ak terfikir, ap yg akan ak buat kalu anak2 kecil tu ak atau pun anak2 buah ak.kasihan..sungguh kasihan...si Yahudi itu rupanya si pengecut, hanya mampu melawan org2 yg lemah,org yg x mampu melawan mereka.

Jika org islam dikatakan terrorist, apa pula org Yahudi?anak2 kecil,wanita jadi mangsa terhadap keganasan ni. this is so inhuman!adakah mereka ini sebnrnye btol2 manusia?jika ya,knp mereka sanggup bertindak kejam mcm ni skali?ya..mereka adalah syaitan bertopengkan manusia.

teringt kecik2 dulu.time tu ak skola rndh agama.ak baling batu kat kwn ak terkena kat keta pacik sorg tu.tp pacik tu benti, xnmpk ak,die trus jln.berbeza sgt ngan nasib anak2 palestin.bile dorang baling batu,org2 Yahudi ni dgn x malunye balas dengan bom.ak bersyukur sgt sbb pacik tu at least x serang ak.tapi...anak2 palestin tu..mereka x bersalah.ya, si Yahudi tulah yg bunuh ibu bapa mereka,si Yahudi tulah yang bunuh ahli keluarga mereka.tapi batu jela yg mampu dorang baling.