sungguh poyo skali title ak..last 1st january,me n my frens went to bukit-ap-ntah around wangsa maju.untuk julung2 kalinye ak dapat tgk fireworks yg baaanyaak~~
dat evening me lepaking at anum+ain's room.suddenly someone(4got who) gave a brilliantos pemberi idea tu ajak tgk fireworks.w/out hesistation i da ajak kan~~~kuang3..
afta maghrib, i felt so sleepy so ap lg mst r ak tdo dgn enaknye..suddenly,"tok3 anybody there"..henponku berbunyik..ala2 lagu kereta merahku berbunyi pon3..
dat evening me lepaking at anum+ain's room.suddenly someone(4got who) gave a brilliantos pemberi idea tu ajak tgk fireworks.w/out hesistation i da ajak kan~~~kuang3..
afta maghrib, i felt so sleepy so ap lg mst r ak tdo dgn enaknye..suddenly,"tok3 anybody there"..henponku berbunyik..ala2 lagu kereta merahku berbunyi pon3..
ain-jadi mlm ni
ak-wokey.sape je join?
ain-ak,anum,ko.fe'el ngan af x sure lg
ak pon smbung blik ketidoran ak dgn enaknye.
"tok3 anybody there"
ain-ktorg da nk abes.
tim-jap2.ak nk smyg isyak jap
ak tgk,da kol 10++, dgn gelabahnye ak siap2 n semayang isyak.tgh siap2 neh~~"tok3 anybody there"
anum-tim,ktorg da abes.da gerak nk amek ko.amekkn kad m3x ak kt atas meja.
on the way...
sape-ntah-tanya-kt nk g mane weh?
af-g bukit-ap-ntah tu.kat umah yusof haslam.ak gi dlu ad mkn2.macam2 ad
ak-ek?wah~~mknan tu x ksh ke sespe je leh amek
af-ad banyak makanan dorang panggil2 amek.amek jela.
kesimpulan dr dialog neh-ad mkn free kat area bukit,ktorg sgt xcited nk gi.tgk fireworks smbil mkn2.hahaha~~~
setelah b'ada di area bukit-ap-ntah
ak-weih,ni bukan luar umah die bg mkn.dlm umah.
(sbb npk cm ad aktiviti mkn2 kt umah org)
af-atas lg.
(stelah tiba ditmpt kejadian)
anum n ain-mane tmpt mkn2 tu?
ak-ha'ah..mane weh?
af-eh,xde.dulu ad kat cni ni(tunjuk kt area parking ktorg)
anum-kt gi bli mc'd jela. kne jge parking kalu x nnt nun jauh kne parking
ak-ak ngan af r jge parking
when the foods arrived safely-ceh,bukn ke patot ak ckp ain n anum arrived safely??we chose a strategic place to sit.view dr seat ktorg mmg tersgt best.tepat jam 12..d kl is burning with the fireworks~~~chanteek sungguh~~~~kejap kiri kejap kanan kejap depan-itulah posisi kepala kitorg..hehehe~~~
ak-eh,awalnye fireworks ni.mcm ikt timing jepon je...jepon sejam awal
anum-eh,btol r skang.
ak(stil confused)-eh,yela awal sejam r dorg ni.
rupenye bru ak pasan,ak sudah day start at 12 tp ntah pesal ak asik pk start at 1.sungguh beng0ng~~
so..pas bergamba sne sni,ktorg pon g mkn2 kat tasik titiwangsa..pas mkn amek2 pics.then, went to af's sis punye rumah.just imagine~~~it took almost 1++ hours to get to her house krn kesesatan yg disebbkn oleh af..
af-masuk sni,,jap2..pusing balik..
but,af sgt yakin m'buatkn ktorg yakin ngan die.hahaha~~~however,dat nite,we're safe~~safe fr0m being fine by the pak-guard because of af n her sis.thanks af..n ur sis to0!!w/out the transport we also can't see the fireworks-thanks ain.anum??thanks 4 da pics-even ak x amek lg~~hahaha~~
yeay~~dis new year,i got d chance to feel the new year's nite~~~tmpt yg ktorg gi pon cm x rmi org-m0st of them were kids n their parents~~g0nna upload d pics once i leech it..huhuhu~~
owh..dialog2 diatas bukn rekaan tp just what i remember n anum's or ain's dialogue, don't really remember..hahaha~~tp overall the dialogue is about the topic we're talking about @ dat time.
p/s: sedih ttbe..bile pikir kt gembira tgk fireworks,org2 kat palestin,bukn takat tgk tp kne bom tros. Ya Allah, bantulah mereka.Amin~
haha tula..ko patut besyukur kitorang arrived safely..kalau tak,ngn makanan2 sekali tak arrived safely dlm mulut kau..
af memang sangat meyakinkan sampai skrng aku dah kurang yakin dgn keyakinan dia haha..
overall mlm tu bes!
ya~~tanpa korg x dptla ak mkn dgn enaknye~~~huhuhu
next year wat lg nk tdo mane plak??huhuhu
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