* Do not copy answers.
* Tag questions must be 100% same.
* Tag people before doing the tag
Ppl I tag:
1. ika
2. cikin
3. caed
4. betti
5. ojah
6. farah aka ahfo0
7. nak tagged ain kosm0 blik leh?huhuhu
8. ude
9. adik
How do you know 1?
kami adalah jiran semase di SMKAKS..my best buddy!
What would you do if you never meet 2?
mst ak x gile cm die..huahuahua(p/s>>ak lbih normal dr cikin)
What would you do if 3 & 4 dated?
err..korg nak ke??
Would 5 & 6 make a good couple?
jap..i wanna describe it first..hahaha~~
Do you think 7 is attractive?
eh?? ABSOLUTELY but i'm m0re ATTRACTIVE..hahaha~~
Would you date 8?
ak slalu je ikt abg ak jenjln~~
Tell me something about 9.
he's my lil bro..ak pon x tau add blog die..haha
What’s 1’s favourite past time?
ntah..g r tny die sendre
What language does 2 speaks?
ak gerenti xde sape phm pny..:p
Who is 3 going out with?
with her frens la..sebokla kau ni
How old is 4?
12?kecik2 da pandai blog memblog..hehe..21 la
When was the last time you talked to 5?
b4 cuti ari2..pas2 smsing jer..badget r nk calling2~~
Who is 6’s favorite singer?
aku kot..haha
Would you date 7?
ak slalu je ngan budak neh..nk date ap lg..bowsan~~
Is 8 single?
kau ni sebok jela..tny r sendre
What’s 9’s last name?
die org melayu..xde last name..ade fullname je..
abes gak ak wat tagged si ain neh~~
last weekend ak blik kg..n dat nite plak ad final piala FA...menarik gile perjalanan ak time tuh..berderet2 kereta ngan bendera selangor..well,i'm n0t really int0 football aka soccer..bahkan not into it at all..just watch it when i'm really bored or when my pa watched it.time poyo ak tgk adalah time worlcup ari2...siap ad dienye table tuh..tu jela..
semangat kan??untuk ore Selangor tahniah..untuk ore Klate..chaiyok!
blog tim kini berwajah baru..
siap love love lagi u!
tim...ssh2 je tag aku..huhu.nnt2la ble rjn aku wat.tag member aku yg lame pon aku x wat lg.byk utang nie.hehe
ain-hehehe,,bese r..b0san dok umah
ojah-nk ajak ko buang mase wat tag ain neh~~:p
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