as-salam and greetings!
alhamdulillah, finally i've successfully answered all my final exam papers!the final of the finals! for my degree la...
came across ojah's blog few minutes back. sedey ok!
now i realized, too many things that i've done here and it may come to an end. however, i do wish that my relationship with my friends does not stop here. right from the bottom of my heart, i do care about my friends. because of them, am able to learn and experience new things. meeting them do makes my day.
the most saddest thing is when we are going to start a new phase of our life! find work, planning your future..blablabla...i don't wanna grow up please?
leaving that part aside, here's few words especially for my friends out there;
my dear friends, i am humbly apologizing for any wrongdoings. am not a perfect person which may hurt your feelings unknowingly, directly or slumberly. might have took your things and did not return it, please do remind me. kinda forgetful person. any debt, please do tell me.
last but not least, thank you for the friendship!
tim sedih gak!!
xnk grow up jugak leh..hehe
p/s:thankyoula promote blog aku lak..hehe
hahaha..bole2..jom kite sesame takyah grow up!
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