December 3, 2009

1.30 am

ape nk tulis sbnrnye??hoho..lame sungguh blog ak ni terperap ye..few days lg da nk start sem bru n alhamdulillah, sume subjek dpt..including the reserved ones..
last week,my atok passed away (alfatihah). my mom plg sedih..bile die sedey ako pon sedeyla gak~~well..she's my mom n she's so closed wit my atok..skang
..kami adalah cucu yatim piatu..huhu..

at this hour last week,kitorg otw blik kg sbb nk tgk atok..n guess wut..first time ak tgk mat rempit live..siap baring2 atas moto..when i look at it..ak rse cm..kalu mamat2 neh tergolek dpn ni bgus gak..ako gelak guling2 dpn dorg..padan muka ekau~~hoho..pnh ade ust ckp..org2 cmni kalu mati..dikire bunuh diri sbb..die yg crik soh bwk moto gi merempit plak..naseb ekaula jang~~

smp kg..stakat yg ak nmpk cm sume org x tdo lg..msk2 je umah, sayu je ati ak..yela..cousins ak yg kecik2, merah mate dorg..almaklumla..dorg pon ade gak jage atok..ak tu, ak tdo sblh atok(even for one hour)..mcm ak pnh tdo sebelah opah(belah bpk ak) time ak kecik dulu..time ngan wan(mak ak pny mak) x dpt..ak pon x tau nape..pape pon..moga roh2 grandparents ak dicucuri rahmat-Nya..amin~~

October 17, 2009

keith urban-you'll think of me

tetibe rs menariks tetariks plak lyrics neh..hehe..

You'll Think Of Me lyrics

I woke up early this morning around 4am
With the moon shining bright as headlights on the interstate
I pulled the covers over my head and tried to catch some sleep
But thoughts of us kept keeping me awake
Ever since you found yourself in someone else's arms
I've been tryin' my best to get along
But that's OK
There's nothing left to say, but

Take your records, take your freedom
Take your memories I don't need'em
Take your space and take your reasons
But you'll think of me
And take your cap and leave my sweater
'Cause we have nothing left to weather
In fact I'll feel a whole lot better
But you'll think of me, you'll think of me

I went out driving trying to clear my head
I tried to sweep out all the ruins that my emotions left
I guess I'm feeling just a little tired of this
And all the baggage that seems to still exist
It seems the only blessing I have left to my name
Is not knowing what we could have been
What we should have been

Take your records, take your freedom
Take your memories I don't need'em
Take your space and take your reasons
But you'll think of me
And take your cap and leave my sweater
'Cause we have nothing left to weather
In fact I'll feel a whole lot better
But you'll think of me

Someday I'm gonna run across your mind
Don't worry, I'll be fine
I'm gonna be alright
While you're sleeping with your pride
Wishing I could hold you tight
I'll be over you
And on with my life

So take your records, take your freedom
Take your memories I don't need'em
And take your cap and leave my sweater
'Cause we have nothing left to weather
In fact I'll feel a whole lot better
But you'll think of me

So take your records, take your freedom
Take your memories I don't need'em
Take your space and all your reasons
But you'll think of me
And take your cap and leave my sweater
'Cause we got nothing left to weather
In fact I'll feel a whole lot better
But you'll think of me, you'll think of me, yeah

And you're gonna think of me
Oh someday baby, someday

credits to: elyrics

October 4, 2009

i g0tta feel!ng~~~

i gotta feeling~~
that tonight g0nna be a go0d night!!

tetibe rase nk nyanyi lagu neh..ahaks!

August 19, 2009

kasihan kawan saya T-T

last weekend menya dtg..die tdo kat blik aku ari jumaat mlm sabtu..sekejap je die dtg..x sempat pon nk berjalan2 mane2..mlm die datang tu ak plak bz sket..ala2 bz womanla katakan~~sebut betul2..katakan~~he..
then,few days later (macamla lame sangat kan..) menya sms..die kate die demam..disebabkan ke'busy'an tahap gaban ak, ak pon x tgk enset time tu..lambat ak reply msg die..huhu..sorry ye menya..
then,few day later(bape kali few days ak pon tak tau da..), sedang saya mencari serta mencuri..oops..saya bukan pencuri ye..saya men'search' some info for my term paper, i also search some info trough my YM..(sambil menyelam kencing skali..yuks!)..ttbe tgk kat name menya die tulis "kne kuarantin"..erk?minah ni kne kuarantin?ape kejadahnye?(sile bace ngan intonasi yg betul ek)
lalu saye pon mem'buzz' si menya..tiba-tiba~~~~~wireless uia yg konon menyenangkan kami terdiskonet..haiya..tros x dpt tny ap yg terjadi pada sahabat saye tu..demi menanya khabar si menya saya pon meng'sms' la minaci malangnye die x reply..mungkin jari jemarinye tidak larat untuk menaip sms~~wuu~~~sedey..sian die..hahaha...jgnle marah ye menya!
selit sket gamba kat KAED Gallery..kat blakang tu gamba LOMO~~

August 6, 2009


ok guys..i'm g0nna scream again...waaaaa!!!i just open mtv worldstage website and guess wut..hoobastank will perform!
first, i'm not an xpax user so no chance la to get ticket
second, even i have one i'm not a partygoers
third, i never went to any concerts and watsoever~~
xpela...just watch online pon oke~~hehehe..
oh ya..betti kate 2pm dtg..but when i looked up at the line 2pm

July 30, 2009

~miss my friends<3<3<3

last weekend umi came and i felt soooo excited..ttbe rindu gile kat dorg...nape mst ak ter'isolate' dr korg!teringt zmn pose dulu..lg2 time dok ukc2.bile nk sahur akla yg plg slalu bgn sahur..tak pon muni..pastu mknla roti ngan air milo..air of the month tu..roti plak kalu muni blik umah..ap lg roti yg muni bwk r..dolu2 glemer susu teapot yg dlm botol tu..kalu ak xde cilok jela menya pny.haha..
time buke pon ad air sendiri gak..air sirap..sape bancuh..sape lg kalu bukan dak umi ngan takla everyday sirap..campor2 r..ikot mood..huhuhu.
nescafe plak air of the exam weeks.sape yg aja ak minum?tak silap ak la si baiti..sbb minah tu yg kaki minum dulu.minum nescafe i've stopped..tak tahan ak ngan nescafe tu.poning den poning..hahaha..byk sgt r memories time kat matriks dulu..dala ak sorg je engine time best..takdela asek dok tgk dak engine je..ngehehe..

msk memcm org..ade yg time da knl ak bru tau korean singers, yang tak ske korean songs, yang rupenye kipas susah mati japanese songs and dorama..well..that's life kan..hahaha
yang penting..ak terase nk lepak kuantan tp ak cm bz je..haish!

our latest pic :)
umi n menya yg sengal

posing kat blik je kot..hahaha..ukc2 best!

July 18, 2009


to kasabian,AAR and estranged's fans..especially those who are around ALERT~~~they will perform at Sunway Lagoon Resort..
not a big fan though..saje nk kongsi2...bajet adela suju ke sape2 xde harapan je~~haha..
ok guys,further info go to this website please~~~

July 6, 2009

1st July..

yaho0!!it's teukie oppa birth day and...big bang new mv~~~~lalalalala....
to teukie oppa---->seng il chukka hamnida i know it's late
i knew teukie oppa doesn't mind if i like other korean artists to0..huhuhu
to big bang------->gambare!!
and here a present i made for teukie least i do have something to present~~~lalalala...

June 26, 2009


one word to describe.....FANTASTIC!!!!omg!!!felt like i'm g0nna watch it again!!sape x tgk lagi silela tahap gaban wei~~~unlike the first one,i think this part have more humorous scenes esp when sam screams like a girl...and then the twins robots..
i really like it duh!!!no i LOVE it!!the fights between the autobots and the decepticons..starting die je da syok gile..optimus's fights was the most cool scene..fuh!shooting scene,pastu time slamatkan sam tu..power gile graphic die..siap ade robot tua lagi..yeah..the jetfire...COOL!!suke1000000x
maziati akmal..ko dengkikan ktorg g tgk transformers..sbb tu r ko kate tak best..org2 layan cite jiwang je kate x best weh~~hahaha...
argh!can't wait for the third one.i'm 100% sure there's g0nna be the third one...dear uncle michael bay yang genius,hands0me n cool(bodek jgn x bodek)..don't take to0 long please~~

yeah..that is that..but before we went to KLCC there's shocking news..i listened to radio and i heard that Michael Jackson's passed away..kire akula kot yg first tau between my friends since ak pepagi bute da dgr radio..b0san~~at first i felt weird..are these guys joking or what?ak baru je carik pasal die..adela yg ak carik tu..xleh g tau public..hahaha..POYO!
da kat rumah ni baru ak sedar banyak gak lagu die ak suke..hahahaha~~~pastu crik plak lagu yusuf islam aka cat stevens..lagu "father and son" best plak..ok now i'm going back to 90's..err..late 80's to0?sbb i x minatla elvis presley..
ehem2..."so beat it,just beat it!" new divide best gak..neway,LP rocks!i'm a big fan of them!!heart chester~~~

June 23, 2009


soalan final Gen:
what is the meaning of friend and what is the purpose to have friends?

ape lagi, soklan bocor neh~~hahaha...sbnrnye sambil cri mende sal Gen terase nk wat post bru lak..nk cite ni..tdkan ad org pnggl sape ntah die tny cmni..
"sis,sape yg tuang air ke bwh td?"
disbbkn bukn ak n aknye tingkp pon tertutup sah2la die x tny aku kan..padan muko kau..sape soh ske2 tuang air..usha2la bwh dulu..

back to basic..friend..sng je nk jwb pon tp in reality it's too complicated.yeah..maybe cuz i'm a type who does care for a friend but nowadays i don't think i care anymore..penatla asek jage ati org je..sometime i felt like i'm being used.yela..ade org fikir kawan tu time susah je carik..time senang wat menyemak je

aish..sbnrnye is it really that what friends for?for me, friends is who we can share's not like bile susah.."tim..."..bile senang wat x tau je kat ak..even my existence also looks like i'm not needed's like "please go away!..i don't need you!"

whatever it all my dear friends..x kshla sesape yg kenal n pnh bergaul ngan ak yg hina ni n asek menyusahkan korg:
  1. nice to meet you guys
  2. sorry for everything
  3. mintak halal sume,kalu ad ak hutang, jgn lupa mtk..well,kekadang ak terlupe
pesal ak ttbe feel terlbh post kali ni?ak pon x fhm..hahahaha~~~

June 10, 2009

j0urney to mid

last weekend ak mmg bosan tahap gaban..almaklumle..ak bukn budak h0mesick yg asek nk blik umah je..(poy0 namanye) ok2 ak tipu..mmg ak h0mesick
tp sbb kalu ak blik sat& sun je, bek ak x yah blik..A.L.A.S.A.N...

so demi menghilangkan kebosanan tahap gaban tu, ak pon ajak r akmal g jj wangsa maju...

pg nan indah tu pon ktorg penuhi ngan menunggu bas ke putra..tunggu punye tunggu nk dekat sejam rupenye..ak ngan akmal pon naekla bengang, x naek bas lg..ktorg rse cm nk pggl superman tolong antakan ktorg je~~

bas g s0go da 2 kali lalu..bas putra x smp lg~~~superman oh superman..pekak ke???superman pon x dgr sahutan ktorg..kecik ati tol ak!

in d end,ktorg pon nek bas g sogo tu..dlm bas tu akmal kte nk g times ktorg bayar jela tiket bas smp sogo..almaklumle..superman da tunggu kat sogo nk anta ktorg g times..ak da kol da sbb td die dlm toilet..sbb tu die x dtg..x caye?x caye suda..ak ni ex-gf superman..

smp je kat sogo ktorg pon jln msk sogo g kat star..superman ttbe kne cirit birit..xley nk anta ktorg..terpaksala...smp kat star ktorg pon x tau nk turun mane kalu nk g times..tula..ak da kte jln kaki je..ak ni jln ala2 the flash..sbb tu ak x ksh je g kels lmbt..akmal tu ala2 bini popeye so die x larat sgt nk jln ni..sape jd bf die tlg bg mkn byk sket ek..ngeh2..

tgh ktorg tgk board kat star tu npk plak ktm...
akmal- "g mid nak?dala ak br ckp je td yg ak da lme x g mid"
ak-"ak set je wei.."

jln2 pny jln akhirnye ktorg smp pon kat mid~~~~byk tol public transport yg ktorg naek semate2 nk g mid...gara2 bas yg lambat + superman cirit birit

tp suke gile ak g mid ari2..dpt tgkp gamba ngan ichigo!!even muke die x cm ichigo tp rambut die ttp same...oren! anggap jela die wat plastic surgery~~~

donald meet ichigo

June 5, 2009

saya kene tag lg~~

1) Bekas kekasih saya adalah
- die pnh blakon kat my girl pas2 virgin snow before that fly daddy fly..plg latest drama die iljimae kot~~miss him~~ewah!

2) Saya sedang mendengar

3) Mungkin saya patut
-crik real bf???ngehehehe~~~sape nak?:p

4) Saya suka
- BOF for the time being~~tp x ske sgt ending hanging je

5) Sahabat-sahabat saya
-sape rse die shbt saye tu dorg sahabat saye~~

6) Saya tak faham
-kenape ending BOF camtu!!!

7) Saya kehilangan
-idea??sume sbb BOF!!

8) Ramai yang berkata
- meggi itu sedap..cbe korg bli ramyun plak..lg sedap wei...

9) Cinta itu adalah
- complex?dtg x dijemput pergi x dihalau..cewah!!

10) Disuatu tempat, seorang sedang...
- mane ak tau..nape seorg?nape x byk orang?nape bukn seseorang??

11) Saya akan cuba
-memahamkan ending BOF!

12) Ayat selamanya membawa maksud...
- selama yg mungkin?smp naek bosan?hii..

13) Telefon bimbit saya
- same cm dlm citer korea~~flip~~tp dlm BOF sume gne touchscreen pny~~~kenapa~~~ak bli t br tau!

14) Bila saya terjaga
- terjaga dr ap?lamunan?tido?aish..x full ayat ni..

15) Saya paling meluat
- ngan ending BOF..nape x tunjuk dorg kawen!!eeii..geram tol ak..

16) Haiwan paling comel yang pernah saya temui
-heh..ntah..kucing anum die ak ni buknla penyayang sgt kat haiwan...sbb ak lg syg diri sendiri..huhuhu

17) Malam ini saya akan
- entah..bosan duh dok kat uia ni!!!sume org asek blik je ak je yg malas,pdn muke kat ak!

18) Ketika anda melihat cermin pada hari ini
-x tgk lg r...

19) Saya betul-betul inginkan
- miracle!!agar saye jd zillionare~~so i can go around d world!

20) Siapa yang anda ingin tag
-sape yg bace kne wat..hahahaha~~~~

May 29, 2009


arini cm bese blik rumah naik komuteruk(ain yg ckp :p). even agak lmbt tp xla lmbt cm slalu. everything happened as bile je ojah turun kat s.alam, ktm tu pon cm lengang je..ak pon pandangla org keliling ak..mostly sumenye tdo.ttbe ak terpandang satu makhluk tuhan ni..jengjengjeng~~~~
die tdo smp kepalanya senget cm lukisan2 yg ak tgk kat galeri petronas semalam..ap ek name artist tu...lupe lak.lim kuan yew ak pedulik apa kan gaya tdo die tu..yg wat ak terkejut gile tu bile ak terpandang 2nd time, mata die terbukak!!ak cm pandang tmpt laen tros..cuak r die tgk ak usha die..pas2 ak tgk lg..still ngan gaya kepala senget die tu tp mata die terbukak lg besar...yg scary gile tu..die pandang ak plak tu!!
tau x cite yg scary2 tu,kepala die senget 180 degree tu..cmtula kepala die..tambah lg ngan mata die yg terbukak luas smbil pandang ak...scary siot!ak pon cover je muke ak yg cuak campur lawak tu..skali da smp klang..makhluk tu turun jugak weih~~~siap diri sebelah ak lg..ak yg mmg ngah mixed gile feeling ni tunduk je wei..skali die pandang ak cm gaye die tido td...lari kot ak..ngehehehe~~

May 15, 2009

tragedi minggu ini aka TMI

first of all...hahahaha...gile per..sbnrnye cenggini citernye...di suatu pagi nan indah (xdela pg sgt,nk noon da pon) di dlm kels DS>>>>>

masok2 je kelas ak tgk aknye kerusi cm xleh nk landing je so ak pon tukala ngan kerusi blakang.sambil tu ak ckp ngan ain yg da siap duduk kat seblh ak "wei ak nk 2ka kusi ni,ko xnk ke?"
ak rs ain x dgr kot time tu sbb ak rse die cm wat x tau ak rse mebi die malas nk tuka jd ak pon bia kn je r...

x lame pas tu...."gedegang!!" ak yg penuh konsentrasi kat lect ak ni terkejut tahap gaban disebbkn bunyi yg ala2 gempa bumi tu(over plak :p) ak pon pandang r ain dan kami ketawa sbbnye si ain konon nk landing tp tersilp bajet lalu hampirla die terjatuh lalu menendang meja kami..seb baek tak terbalik meja..kalu x..haru~~~~

then one day ni ak ajak r ain,anum ngan ain aziz gi lunch luar..ttbe ak nk mkn nasi ayam hainan..but anum got test dat evening so xley r die the end ak n ain kuase 2 je pegi...sekali smpi je hancur luluh ati ak(poyo)..nasi ayam hainan tutup..ktorg pon pusing2 area tmpt mkn tu n jmp r 1 stall ni yg agak bersih tp macik tu frenly tahap karma..ak n ain pon order r CKT(char kuew teow)..skali smp ak tgk cm kuew teow goreng bese je..tgh2 mkn tu ak terpikir..bukn ke ckt ade telor yg da mix skali ngan kuew teow tu? ttbe ain tgk pinggan ain ad telor cm telor mata kerbau..ak pon x puas ati ckp r pesal ko ad telor?ak korek rupenye adela kat sebalik kuew teow ak pelik..bukn ke ckt telor die cm scramble egg cmtu?tp ckt macik neh cam kuew teow goreng ngan telor mata kerbau...kami pon beramai2 boikot kedai neh~~~sbb cafe ak pny kuew teow goreng lg sedap!

April 29, 2009

my nephews~~

bile ak teringat je insiden neh ak rse cm gelak gile..x sangke nephew ak yg sorg neh lawak tahap karma..huhuhu..
cenggini ceriteranye...
di suatu mlm nan indah, ak terase nk makan buah tembikai aka watermelon.lalu ak bukak r fridge dgn gumbiranye n ambek tembikai tu nephew ak yg sorg neh plak ske gak ngan tembikai aka watermelon neh jdnye die asek mengekori ak dr blakang..bajet ak nk bg die r~~
selepas proses membedah tembikai ak pon hendaklah menyimpan ia di dlm fridge semula bg proses pembekuan..
time ak bukak fridge ak tuh si nephew ak neh pon memandai nk pegang tmpt pemegang fridge tuh...pas ak da tutup fridge tu ak tgk tgn die still lg kat tmpt pemegang tu...ak mls nk layan die so ak blah je sambil mata si nephew ak tu memandang ak dgn pandangan seperti ingin memberitahu ak sesuatu..ak plak ngan kereknye menjelir lidah kepadanya sambil berkata "ape pandang2??"
setelah ak duduk di meja makan ak lihat si nephew ak neh still tercegat kat fridge tu sambil tangannye masih di posisi yg same..ak bru je nk bukak mulut nak makn tembikai ttbe...
ekeleh budak neh nanges plak~~dlm ati ak..pas2 ak yg ade ngan akak ak time tu melihatla di tmpt kejadian...akak ak "eh!!"
rupa-rupaannya tgn die tersepit kat tmpt pemegang tu...yg x ble blah tu nape sepjg perjlnan ak tu die senyap dan hanya memandang ak????pat0tla muke die time tu penuh ngan ke"blur"an..huhuhu...selepas diselamatkan si nephew ak neh benti nanges n mkn tembikai aka watermel0n ngan gumbiranye..cpt tol emosinye berubah ye..kanak-kanak~~~

2nd tagged~~

Rules & Regulations
* Do not copy answers.
* Tag questions must be 100% same.
* Tag people before doing the tag

Ppl I tag:

1. ika
2. cikin
3. caed
4. betti
5. ojah
6. farah aka ahfo0
7. nak tagged ain kosm0 blik leh?huhuhu
8. ude
9. adik

How do you know 1?

kami adalah jiran semase di best buddy!

What would you do if you never meet 2?

mst ak x gile cm die..huahuahua(p/s>>ak lbih normal dr cikin)

What would you do if 3 & 4 dated?

err..korg nak ke??

Would 5 & 6 make a good couple?

jap..i wanna describe it first..hahaha~~

Do you think 7 is attractive?

eh?? ABSOLUTELY but i'm m0re ATTRACTIVE..hahaha~~

Would you date 8?

ak slalu je ikt abg ak jenjln~~

Tell me something about 9.

he's my lil bro..ak pon x tau add blog die..haha

What’s 1’s favourite past time?

ntah..g r tny die sendre

What language does 2 speaks?

ak gerenti xde sape phm pny..:p

Who is 3 going out with?

with her frens la..sebokla kau ni

How old is 4?

12?kecik2 da pandai blog memblog..hehe..21 la

When was the last time you talked to 5?

b4 cuti ari2..pas2 smsing jer..badget r nk calling2~~

Who is 6’s favorite singer?
aku kot..haha

Would you date 7?

ak slalu je ngan budak neh..nk date ap lg..bowsan~~

Is 8 single?

kau ni sebok jela..tny r sendre

What’s 9’s last name?

die org melayu..xde last name..ade fullname je..

abes gak ak wat tagged si ain neh~~

last weekend ak blik kg..n dat nite plak ad final piala FA...menarik gile perjalanan ak time tuh..berderet2 kereta ngan bendera selangor..well,i'm n0t really int0 football aka soccer..bahkan not into it at all..just watch it when i'm really bored or when my pa watched it.time poyo ak tgk adalah time worlcup ari2...siap ad dienye table tuh..tu jela..

so ap kate kite usha kereta2 penyokong Selangor je yg moto tp x dpt candid plak.laju benor yop oi~~ttbe kuar perak plak

semangat kan??untuk ore Selangor tahniah..untuk ore Klate..chaiyok!

April 23, 2009

i've been tagged!

pergh..da lme x blog memblog ttbe kne tagged plak ngan si ain..

List these rules on your blog.

* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
* Tell 7 unspectacular quirks of yours.
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
* Link the person who tagged you.
* Leave a comment for each blogger.

7 facts bout me>>>>

>saye suke sgt ngan korea n nippon..sye pon x tau nape..
>saye agak x suke ngan keadaan serabut tp kalu time exam blik saye akan jadi serabut tp x la seserabut blik yg serabut sbb sebok stadi n malas nk kemas blik~~tetapi bukn shj keadaan blik, saye juge x suke otak yg serabut dan oleh itu saye x suke menyerabutkan otak saye
>saye kurang penyabar..
>saye suke bnd yg comel tp besenye saye akan ckp "ei,,comelnye~~" tp saye x bli pon..bajet..
>saye suke gadget..sbb tu saye slalu mtk macam2 kat abg saye...
>saye antara org yg tido awal dikalangan kawan2 saye..saya hanya tido lmbt bile ade keje atau exam..
>saye agak sensitif

my 7 unspectacular quirks??am i strange?annoying??hurm~~>>

>bile org cite bnd tp saye x dgr..saye akn wat2 time tu bile org tny bnd saya akan jawab ngan "oo..", "ek?", "ha'ah"..hakikatnye saye x dgr pon ap org tu ckp.mintak maafla ye kengkawan
>saye sgt suke meninggikan sore lebih2 lg bile saye bengang atau terlebih excited..adakah ianya mengannoyingkan anda??ke saye je pasan sore sy cmtu??
>saye sgt sayang dvd2 cite saye so sesape yg pjm x reti jage habesla mereka-mereki..saye akn wat muke bengang dan bile org tu ckp pape saye just ckp.."ingt seng ke ak nk donlod cite tu..berjam2 tau ak donlod"
>every final exam saye akn ckp ngan ain " sem xleh cmni lg ni.kne start stadi dr awal"tp hakikatnye saye stil tdo awal pd mlmnye n kejadian n ayat yg same akan berulang every sem..saye rse kejadian ini menjengkelkan kerana saye tiada kesedaran sivik.
>saye sgt suke mtktolong adik saye wat itu dan ini bile die dlm mood yg baek sbb sye rse itula time yg baek nk soh die wat saye dpt merasekan aura kejengkelan yg tinggi dr adik saye..but who cares~~hahaha..sori dik!
>saye x taula ap kestrangenan dan keannoyingan saye..yg plg confrm yg first skali tu r.. :p
>lu pikirla sendre(ayat ain)

ak mau tag kamo0~~
farah aka ahfoo
sape2 rse nk wat silela~~

makhluk yg tagged saye>>>ain KOSMO..hahaha

March 13, 2009

~bZ morn!ng~

statement poyo dr ak~~hahaha..
in reality the bz-ness wasn't because of study tp keje donlod mendnlod~~~
sbb x puast ati mlm td amek mv suju baru
pepg buta ak da gi area cafe
skang ak da donlod banyak mende
syok gile~~~sori r dik..m'pergunakan wireless ko kearah y kurang berfaedah
bayangkan x smp sejam mcm2 ak da donlod....kagumnye ak ngan diri sendiri~~(pehal lak?patot kagum ngan wireless)layan je~~~

February 24, 2009

h@ndpn0ne, fon tgn??

semlm..while studying M0M ain budin balik blik die...x lame pas tu die dtg balik blik aku...

ain budin: sian ain(ain aziz)
ak:nape?(pnh tanda tny..)
ain budin:enset die msk jamban..
akmal:yeke..siannye(akmal memg ske tiru2 ak..cis betul..hahaha)

few mins later, ain aziz plak ziarah blik ak..(jarang org dtg blik ak ni sbb ak je gi blik org slalu.. ;p)

ain aziz:rase nk nanges~~~
ak:eh..siannye..cne leh msk jamban?
ain aziz:ak msk dlm poket pas 2 terjatuh..
ain budin:xpe..ko nk nanges,nanges r...
ak:btol tu..luahkan segala kesedihan..(ceh..ayat poy0~~)
ain aziz:ak nk gi stadi m0m.ain pjm kunci

semasa ketiadaan ain...
ak:weh,cbe tgh 'tuut' ttbe bunyik enset..
ain budin:ha'ah..mst x sempat abis 'tuut' da lari..hahaha
ak:kalo ringt0ne die bunyik ntah ape2..lagi r..hahaha~~
ain budin:kalu ringtone ko..ttbe ad bunyik ketuk pintu pastu "anybody there"
ak:hahaha~~~eii...busuk gile~~kalo ringtone die bunyik hantu2 lagi r kot.tgh2 'tuut' terus lari..haha..gile betol~~

selepas itu aktiviti communication pon terhenti dan kami terus menumpukan 200% perhatian terhadap m0m..argh~~ tensi sungguh exam mlm td..sungguh byk miscalculation..~~

ttbe t'ingt plak enfon first ak yg ilang...kejadian tu mmg bengong.ade ke pat0t pencuri tu m'adakan komunikasi dulu ngan abg ak pastu cilok enfon ak...kisahnye cmni~~~(flashback~~)

time tu parents ak bru je kuar.anta adik ak gi skola.x smpi sejam:

thief:assalamualaikum(pandai kan die bg salam)
ude(abg ak)
thief: hj ade?(k0n0n tny bpk ak r..x bleh blah siap tau name bpk ak sume)
ude:owh..xde,die gi kuar ap2 penting ke?
thief:yeke..ak ad hal sket ni..ak nk tepon bpk ko ni tp ak ad simkad je..
ude:owh...jap ye.(panggil ak)
ak:eh?nak watpe bg tepon??
ude:org tu xde tepon,ad simkad pelik je bunyi.dr bg die msk umah baik bg pjm tepon.
ak:ok...~smbil tengok abg ak kuarkan simkad dr fon ak.~

ak pon pastu sambung r wat ap ntah time tu..ttbe abg ak pggl lg.

ude:eh,org ni cm pelik je..die nk air,ko g amek.bia ude jage die.
ak pon g r amek air...sampai je ak kat pintu..
ude:woi!bg balik enset!

menurut kate ude before si thief tu belah kan dri ngan merempit..thief tu kte,"weh,ak ad nk kejar budak kat skola tu.kalo nk enset jom ikt ak"

ak:~tergamam sambil tgk je thief tu pergi~
bayangkan time tu mcm kite sensorg kat kwsn lapang..kosong..ttbe ad angin sepoi2 tiup...ceh..xde feel tol~~

pergh..memg xleh blah thief tu..curi enset dpn umah.power abes r kot.abg ak kte die xnk kejar sbb risau ntah2 mamat tu ad konco2 die.kang konco2 die msk umah plak.aish..smp skang mmg ak xleh lupe r..

ni r enset 1st ak..sempoi je tp i lyke~~

enset 2nd ak pon ilang gak.lg best..time mlm nu year lg...pon thief die da ad dpn mate ak..yg power nye..pompuan plak tu.yg 1st tu laki cm da 30-an,pompuan ni pon lbih kurg..ttbe ak rse..dorg ni ad kaitan ke??hahaha~~~laki bini..tu keje asik merompak je..kalu minat kat ak ckp je r.curik2 enset ak plak.huhuhu

February 19, 2009


wa~~suda lame ak x tulis pape kat cni ek..well..mlm td ak ditpu oleh 2 org manusia yg b'nama anum n ain..cis sungguh kamu~~
kat kelas mOm:
ain-"tim ko nk ayam ke daging?"
ain-"lasagna,anum tny nk ayam ke daging"
usha2 text ain...'sushi sotong,ecetra ecetra...'
me-"nak jellyfish ngan scallop"
ain-"da terpengaruh nmpk..hehehe~~"
me-"xpe.abg ak kt kat cni sushi die laen..die rebus dulu"~alasan je.padahal da kempunan..huhu~
pas maghrib kat blik~~
me-"ain..lapa gile ak ni..anum x blik lg??"
ain-"ak pon..x,die kuar lbt td"
ain aziz-"wei,ak ad roti"
kami pon mkn ngan nyenyaknye~~ain aziz mmg sgt bersimpati dgn kelaparan kami siap offer choki2 lagi..tanx ain!
owh lupe nk ckp..mst r time tu ak kat blik ain..ak kan ske lepak blik org~~~ziarah menziarahi. :p
da mkn dgn sodapnye ak pon pulg ketmpt asal sbb ain ad kije yg die nk wat.almaklum r bz woman~~~ak yg k0n0n2 nk stadi math bley plak t'tdo..xde tenaga sbb lapa bangat~~
ttbe..msg yg ak nnt2 kan tiba..
ain-"anum da balik!"
ak dengan sgt excitednye siap2 gi blik dorg dgn harapan lasagna ak wujud..tetibe~~~
anum-"tim...lasagna ko da abes~~ak gi lmbt td.."
ain-"die da r tunggu lasagna dr td.."
anum-"yeke..ala,tim sori..patot ak msg ko dlu..ak ad megi"
anum-"ad..xpe2 kt kongsi mkn ni rermi..(smbil tunjuk fresh salad ak rs cm fresh mushroom je..huhuhu)"
me-"xpe..j0m mkn.ak lapa gile ni"~dlm ati ak=kecewa gile durh~~~~
anum ttbe dok sblh ak smbil pegang plastic.
anum-"ni ak punye~~(sambil bukak plastic tu)"
ak pon tgk r plastic tu..cis singguh!itu lasagna ak~~
ain n anum gelak sakan kat ak..cis sungguh korang~~
ak pon ap lg..menampar tgn si anum seperti menampar nyamuk..huhu~~
akhirnye~~kerinduan ak terhadap lasagna milano terlepas juge~~~
lasagna + sushi = nyum!!
curik ayat ain aziz~~

February 3, 2009

kisah l!pas~~~~

well...last saturday my skulmate n me went to our friend's 1st batch ktorg yg kawen..xcited gile g~~huhuhu
then lps kenduri tu ak ngan members ak blik ke tmpt asal=uia
on d same day sbnrnye time tu b'day 0jah.smp je hostel ak serang blik citah n smyg asar kat c2 cuz kt0rg nk g bli kunyah2an t0 celebr8 ojah's b'day..
pas maghrib kt0rg mkn2 then da kenyang ap lg~~blahla ke blik ak
sblm ke blik ak ak lepak blik ain plak~~p/s=ak mmg suke lepak blik 0rg~~~
ain ajak gi mkn2 kat luar
aish..mkn lg~~well...ap slhnye skali skadang ak g jenjln ngan ain n d gang kan??kuang3x
s0 pada mlm itu kami pon pergi bermakan2 d sakura @ tmn melati k0t~~
slps mkn dgn kenyangnye(tahap gaban kot)
kt0rg g kat keta ain..time kat luar keta lipas kat polysterene tu..
ak-eh,ad kt cni..(lipas tu ad kt pintu seat ak)
anum-hah?ala..ak blik umah dlu r..(takot lipas..padahal ak sme je~~)
ak pon bkak pintu bajet lipas tu nk kuar r...skali lipas tu g tmpt laen plak...
ain-ni2 ad kt cni(pintu seat blakang)
jah seorg je yg x tkt lansong kat die menjadi renjer lipas r mlm tu..dok dlm keta crik lipas..adeh..cuak ak tgk..
guard restaurant tu bongok gile~~tengok je dr jao~~haish..x gentleman sungguh..
jah-da xde da..j0mla blik.da k0l bp ni
ak-*dlm ati*..ala...takotnye....
last2 kt0rg nek je kete..anum yg dok seat blakag x pndg dpn langsong die dok ngadap blakang..ak yg dok dpn ni plak dok ngadap ain..ttbe...
pas2 ak jerit cm org histeria smbil menendang angin..*bajet lipas tu x leh dtg r*
ttbe ak rse cm anum pegang kepala ak....ak pon berhenti m'histeriakan diri ak..
dgn pnuh kepinga2an ak pon tny..mane lipas tu??
anum-ak soh ain pandang dpn..die nk terlanggar tiang td..
jah-rilek2..jgn glabah..kang ain pon glabah..
ak-*malu siot~~~~gaban gile*ak ingtkn ko ckp lipas td~~~
at the end...kt0rg smp je uia tanpa gangguan lipas tu...aish..beng0ng sungguh~~~~lipas tu pon stu..ntah dr mane ntah ia dtg~~~

January 17, 2009

~permasaLahan yG suda laMa x jDik~

now2..act diz week i’m n0t planning to go h0me but since there is a problem @ UIA which is water supply pr0b*p/s-mahalah ak ad je air sbnrnye..A.L.A.S.A.N* i need to go h0me..but my main point was to meet my nephews-izat n iman.

dat nite,i received a msg from ain.

ain-kwn2,cpt simpan air sbb td ad lori minyak eksiden dkt sg.gombak.hu9

ak pon pegi b’jmp ngan ain.nt0k m’dptkn kepastian yg tulus lg benar.i dun believe it cuz there is “hu9″ at d end of dat msg.well,sape nk cye kan.but dat msg wasn’t originally fr0m ain.her friend sent it.


me-weh,bt0l ke xde air ni.aknye baldi da la kecik

ain-x taula.kwn ak yg bg msg tu.

me-ala..mlsnye ak nk simpn air.nnt kalu xde air kt mandi kt umah ko ko ngan anum spe lg dkt?

ain-umah anum lg dkt

me-kt g umah anum jela.ish..ak nk blik blk r.

smbil tu ak msg akmal-”mamal,nk pjm baldi ita(sbb dak ita neh kt umah)”

ak pon tros g blik akmal.ces,akmal not around plak time rumet akmal tu dala cm kerek je ngan ak.tanpa diundang ak pon melepakkn dri kat blik ita.rupenye akmal bru pas wat laundry.

me-wei,bt0l ke xde air.ain bg msg kt ad eksiden.

akmal-ha’ah.ish bt0l ke huh?


“nenenenet…attention to all residenta mahallah hafsa.there will be water supply problem at any moment so please be ready..nenenenet”

me-argh..tensionnye ak..

akmal-eii..ak nk blik.leceh r.

tr0s si akmal td call adik die tny blik ke x.

while lepaking with akmal,kak salwa came.then we talk2 n eat2 till pkul bpe i took ita’s baldi n filled it with water as max as i could.

keesokan pgnye~~~with full of enthusiasm i woke up early n took my bath.then i lepak2 at my ro0m n went to class.afta 3.30 i came back n guess wut..the water still dat the water will be gone soon,i took my shower early dat evening.however,the water still available till next day.but still,i woke up early but dat evening,me n ain went to play squash.we bring along our 6.30 i msg my rumet.”kiki,level kt ad air lg tak?”..”ade”.so we both decided to go backto our room n took our bath at mahalah.i even washed my clothes.

afta taking my bath dat evening i went to cfe n met wit ojah n tasya.

ojah-* kate sok cuti.

me-yeke?ish..xkkn ak cti kot.dala lab sok.math pon x start ap lg.korg blik ke?

ojah-blik kot.ngan aisyah kama.mlm ni


ojah n tasya dikusi bout their quiz with bro.musa.

ojah-ko blik x?

me-ntahla.kalu cncel pon.mlmtu ad replacement.Dr.co0l tu ak x tau r die nk wat ke x.dala xde num die.ak x blik kot.

so we diskusi2 while eating~~

afta maghrib i sms our lab demo asking bout the holiday n yeah,the lab will be cancel.later,ain sms me saying that the math class also will be cncel.

ain-tim,ko blik x?

me-ntahla..kels MOM ni x sure lg ni..

ain-blik jela tim..huhuhu

me-ko dkt bole r..huhuhu

then i asked akmal since we’re in d same class.

me-mal,MOM ad ke mlm sok?

akmal-dak2 kels ak kte xde

me-ap bukti yg m’buatkn dak2 kels ko yakin xde?

akmal-sbb dorg kt rector yg soh cuti

i’m still not satisfied so i asked wa.

me-wa,sok ko rse ad ke MOM? je sok.kalu ad,ad r.

me-i join u la

but still not satisfied.i just think what if the class cancel??ruginye x blik.ak mmg makhluk yg sentiasa dihantui if-else programming x?

me-akmal,ak x puas ati r.j0m jmp Dr.co0l sok

akmal-nk g kol bp?


akmal-ok.sok kol 10 lbih kt g

the next morning~~~i woke up early n the water still around~~xde airla sgt kan..i’m counting the hours.around 10++ me n akmal went to Dr.co0l room but sadly he was not around.

me-ala…cmne ni.xde plak..cmni ak assume xde ak x puas ati

akmal-jom gi ofis kt bwh tny die nye num ke ap

sedang kami kecewa sbb x dpt jmp Dr.co0l, Dr frenly tiba menyelamatkan keadaan.

akmal-sir,ad num Dr co0l x?

Dr.frenly-co0l?kejap sy tgk..*slang indonesian*

akmal-ala..adela sir*dak ni mmg penggoda bt0l.huhuhu~~*

Dr frenly-ye.sebentar..kamu ni..suke pakse2 org~~blablabla…*smbil crik2 no*


Dr frenly-ha..ini dia.nah

me+akmal-thank you sir

apabila kami mendpt no itu….

me-ap lg mal,kol r

akmal-ak xde kredit r

me-ala..malula nk ckp ngan dr.co0l~~*gedik gile ak~~hahaha

akmal-ala..kol jela

me-ala…meh2 kol gne no ak,ko ckp

akmal-*smbil malu2* xnk,kola ckp

last2 ak gak yg ckp..*xcited sbnrnye~~hahaha*

me-assalamualaikum sir.

dr.co0l-*bingit* waalaikummussalam.yes?

me-sir,bout our replacement class we have class tonite.*tunggang t’blik-to0 excited=bad*

dr.co0l-i wish to have it

me-*dgn gelojohnye* owh,so we have class tonite?

dr.co0l-erm..i wish to have it but i’m afraid dat the students are not @ their mahalah due to the holiday

me-owh,bout dat..i think most of the students already going back h0me

dr.c0ol-so,i think i’ll have to cncel the u tell ur frens?

me-owh..ok sir

dr co0l-cn u tell ur frens?who’s this?


dr.co0l-fatima,cn u pls tell ur frens that the class will be cncel

me-yes,i’ll spread it to my frens.thank you sir,assalamualaikum


then..i looked at akmal with biiiiig smile~~~

me-yeay!bole blik ngan tenang~~

dat was my first conversation with dr.co0l even before this i’ve had a class with him.well,i’m a type who don’t really close with teachers.

so..happily i msg my frens that the class is cncel n i went back h0me~~~

IIUM Sp0rt Carnival~~

last year,ak dgn penuh tekadnye told my frens dat i will not ever play hockey again(cuz dat's my 1st time)..but still..dak2 hafsa sume n0t interested in hockey.ak ngan ain pon join jela bg memenuhkan korum.sewaktu di blik ain, ak mem'sg ojah.

ak-ojah,nk maen basketball?(sbb basketball pon x ckup org lg)
ojah-ko maen ke?
ak-x.ak maen hoki
ojah-ak ngan tasya maen hoki r
well,so it's 4 of us-me,ain,ojah,tasya.1st day training-no one called us so we didn't day,at hockey field

ak-eh,mane org2 yg maen hoki?
ain-ntah.tu kot(maen tunjuk2)
b4 tu ain tny kat feel-makhluk yg bertanggungjawab ajak ktorg maen hoki blik- mane dak2 hoki hafsa-mahalah ktorg-

disebabkn kami ni pemalu,ktorg dok je kt bench luar hockey field tu.suddenly, a sis came near us.

ain-sis,hafsa ke?
ain-hafsa mane ek?
no-name-tu,yg 3 org tu
ak-eh,tu jeke?

so,both of us walked toward that 3 girls-kak an,kak na,kak izzah.we introduced ourselves n kak na pon panggil r coach ktorg.

coach-ni je?cne nk training skit ni je?
kak an-ala..b0le je.
coach-ok.korg wat cmni(smbil tunjuk cara2 mengelecek bola gne kayu hoki)

kami pon ngan semgtnye wat.ak ngan smgtnye wat mende yg same ngan nilai velocity yg tinggi.ttbe~~~~

sore laki-woi,jaohnye..
-terdgr sore gelak ketawa-
ak pon pusing blakang..jeng3~~~~ak tgk blakang.dlm ati ak-"eh,pesal dak2 laen ni wat smp situ je(half dr tmpt kejadian)"..with full of confusionism i turn back and

ain-weh,smgt gile ko
ak-eh,bukn ke die soh wat smp ujung td??
ain-x r.die soh wat smp tgh je
ades...bru 1st day training da i'm a co0l pers0n-pasan..
next,coach soh ktorg partner2 pas2 ofkos paired with ain r..huhuhu..
yg laen sume static(sebut cm dr.yulfian) tp ktorg pusing2 smp <360.memg dynamic bt0l..huhuhu..

tp dat day,ktorg end up being nenek2 si bongkok 3 esp ak..hahaha..(dak2 lain x tau r plak)
1st day,ojah n tasya x dtg tp pas2 tu dorg dtg.afta few training~~

ak-weih ak xnk jd keeper.helmet kecik r.dala baju besa gile.skit kaki ak.
(demand lebih2)
tasya-ak jd keeper
ak-orait.btol ko jd keeper ni.

selps training keeper

tasya-tim,ak x jd keeper tau?
ak-ala...nape???ala..helmet die kecik r..
tasya-xpe,coach bg helmet.
ak-yela~~~(redo je)
maka disaat2 akhir,i'm stil d keeper~~~same as last year~~

January 16, 2009

berdirinya ak didepan umah Datuk Yusof Haslam~~

sungguh poyo skali title ak..last 1st january,me n my frens went to bukit-ap-ntah around wangsa maju.untuk julung2 kalinye ak dapat tgk fireworks yg baaanyaak~~

dat evening me lepaking at anum+ain's room.suddenly someone(4got who) gave a brilliantos pemberi idea tu ajak tgk fireworks.w/out hesistation i da ajak kan~~~kuang3..

afta maghrib, i felt so sleepy so ap lg mst r ak tdo dgn enaknye..suddenly,"tok3 anybody there"..henponku berbunyik..ala2 lagu kereta merahku berbunyi pon3..

ain-jadi mlm ni
ak-wokey.sape je join?
ain-ak,anum,ko.fe'el ngan af x sure lg
ak pon smbung blik ketidoran ak dgn enaknye.
"tok3 anybody there"
ain-ktorg da nk abes.
tim-jap2.ak nk smyg isyak jap
ak tgk,da kol 10++, dgn gelabahnye ak siap2 n semayang isyak.tgh siap2 neh~~"tok3 anybody there"
anum-tim,ktorg da abes.da gerak nk amek ko.amekkn kad m3x ak kt atas meja.
on the way...
sape-ntah-tanya-kt nk g mane weh?
af-g bukit-ap-ntah tu.kat umah yusof haslam.ak gi dlu ad mkn2.macam2 ad
ak-ek?wah~~mknan tu x ksh ke sespe je leh amek
af-ad banyak makanan dorang panggil2 amek.amek jela.
kesimpulan dr dialog neh-ad mkn free kat area bukit,ktorg sgt xcited nk gi.tgk fireworks smbil mkn2.hahaha~~~
setelah b'ada di area bukit-ap-ntah
ak-weih,ni bukan luar umah die bg mkn.dlm umah.
(sbb npk cm ad aktiviti mkn2 kt umah org)
af-atas lg.
(stelah tiba ditmpt kejadian)
anum n ain-mane tmpt mkn2 tu?
ak-ha'ah..mane weh?
af-eh,xde.dulu ad kat cni ni(tunjuk kt area parking ktorg)
anum-kt gi bli mc'd jela. kne jge parking kalu x nnt nun jauh kne parking
ak-ak ngan af r jge parking
when the foods arrived safely-ceh,bukn ke patot ak ckp ain n anum arrived safely??we chose a strategic place to sit.view dr seat ktorg mmg tersgt best.tepat jam 12..d kl is burning with the fireworks~~~chanteek sungguh~~~~kejap kiri kejap kanan kejap depan-itulah posisi kepala kitorg..hehehe~~~
ak-eh,awalnye fireworks ni.mcm ikt timing jepon je...jepon sejam awal
anum-eh,btol r skang.
ak(stil confused)-eh,yela awal sejam r dorg ni.
rupenye bru ak pasan,ak sudah day start at 12 tp ntah pesal ak asik pk start at 1.sungguh beng0ng~~
so..pas bergamba sne sni,ktorg pon g mkn2 kat tasik titiwangsa..pas mkn amek2 pics.then, went to af's sis punye rumah.just imagine~~~it took almost 1++ hours to get to her house krn kesesatan yg disebbkn oleh af..
af-masuk sni,,jap2..pusing balik..
but,af sgt yakin m'buatkn ktorg yakin ngan die.hahaha~~~however,dat nite,we're safe~~safe fr0m being fine by the pak-guard because of af n her sis.thanks af..n ur sis to0!!w/out the transport we also can't see the fireworks-thanks ain.anum??thanks 4 da pics-even ak x amek lg~~hahaha~~
yeay~~dis new year,i got d chance to feel the new year's nite~~~tmpt yg ktorg gi pon cm x rmi org-m0st of them were kids n their parents~~g0nna upload d pics once i leech it..huhuhu~~
owh..dialog2 diatas bukn rekaan tp just what i remember n anum's or ain's dialogue, don't really remember..hahaha~~tp overall the dialogue is about the topic we're talking about @ dat time.
p/s: sedih ttbe..bile pikir kt gembira tgk fireworks,org2 kat palestin,bukn takat tgk tp kne bom tros. Ya Allah, bantulah mereka.Amin~

January 13, 2009

LET'S PRAY FOR THEM..the pics dat CNN n BCC didn't reveal~~

semoga darah2 mereka menjadi saksi2 yg membantu mereka meniti jln ke syurga di Akhirat kelak...
To My Muslim Friends,
Pray for them to Allah. Semoga akan datang bantuan Allah sebagaimana Allah Pernah menghantar burung-burung Ababil menghancurkan tentera bergajah Musyrikin.
And for all,
Sudden cross to my mind………….people around the world keep remember September eleven…………they even still sad about the lost……………BUT the numbers wasn't greater compared to what lost in Palestine…………………

Ubah dengan tangan, atau ubah dengan mulut/pena...... setidak-tidaknya bencikan dengan hati.....selemah-lemah iman........Allahu Akbar. Jika tidak sanggup berjuang mengorbankan nyawa, bantulah mereka dengan memanjatkan doa kepada Allah Rabbu Jalil mohon BantuanNya.


Gaza Now is burning under seige

What can you do is …….to forward this mail as much as you can to the world!!

Regards & have a pleasant day

p/s:sent by a friend

January 9, 2009

dimanakah sifat kemanusiaan ???

Tahun baru 2009 dipenuhi dengan tangisan, ketakutan dan darah.apa dosa anak2 kecil yang masih baru mengenal dunia.ak terfikir, ap yg akan ak buat kalu anak2 kecil tu ak atau pun anak2 buah ak.kasihan..sungguh Yahudi itu rupanya si pengecut, hanya mampu melawan org2 yg lemah,org yg x mampu melawan mereka.

Jika org islam dikatakan terrorist, apa pula org Yahudi?anak2 kecil,wanita jadi mangsa terhadap keganasan ni. this is so inhuman!adakah mereka ini sebnrnye btol2 manusia?jika ya,knp mereka sanggup bertindak kejam mcm ni skali?ya..mereka adalah syaitan bertopengkan manusia.

teringt kecik2 dulu.time tu ak skola rndh agama.ak baling batu kat kwn ak terkena kat keta pacik sorg pacik tu benti, xnmpk ak,die trus jln.berbeza sgt ngan nasib anak2 palestin.bile dorang baling batu,org2 Yahudi ni dgn x malunye balas dengan bom.ak bersyukur sgt sbb pacik tu at least x serang ak.tapi...anak2 palestin tu..mereka x bersalah.ya, si Yahudi tulah yg bunuh ibu bapa mereka,si Yahudi tulah yang bunuh ahli keluarga mereka.tapi batu jela yg mampu dorang baling.